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Our Team

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Albertus Bruinekool

Founder & CEO

Albert has spent 25 years in the plantation industry and is an active Plantation Director developing, maintaining and overseeing tens of plantation companies across Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand. Alberts experience covers a range of forestry products including Agarwood, Camelina, Jatropha along with agriculture produce including Durian, Banana’s, Rambutan and Mango’s.


Albert’s area of true brilliance is software development, it was this that brought Albert into the plantation industry as he developed PM3S. Albert is also a master linguist who is fluent in 12 different languages including Malay and Indonesian.


Lastly, apart from the software created for Plantations called PM3S, Albert has developed various Multimedia Applications and is renowned for his productions with various famous artists in Prima Sound & Vision since 1983.

Burhan Hanafi Pratama

Managing Director

A proud yogyakartan, Burhan has worked with Albert for 6 years in developing and maintaining our cutting leading edge Plantation Management Systems in Indonesia, Malaysia & Thailand, later to be referred to as PM3S meaning Plantation Maintenance, Monitoring and Management Systems. with pm3s which was developed to make it easier for companies or plantation owners to carry out management, maintenance and monitor what is happening.


Siti Nurdjiati Baharuddin


Siti obtained her BSc (AgricSc) and Ir. (Master in Horticultural Sc) from Gadjah Mada University, Jogjakarta, Indonesia, and further MSc (Plant Biology) from USM. Siti has been instrumental in setting up and running the tissue culture laboratory and has been conducting research and development of all agarwood-related secondary and tertiary products.


Dr. Lim Chin Thee

Sifu Lim Chin Thee is Regarded as the principal Durian Expert in Malaysia and South East Asia and is an advisor and consultant to over 20 plus Durian plantation companies across South East Asia.


Sifu Lim's passion for durian is free for all to watch on his faculty of durian YouTube Channel with almost 12,000 subscribers and some videos attracting 113,000 views

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